Lisa Kelly-Vance, Ph.D.
Dr. Kelly-Vance is currently the program director of the School Psychology Program at the University of Nebraska Omaha in Omaha, Nebraska. She began her career as a School Psychologist in Iowa serving Birth -21. Her research and applied interests are assessment and interventions the preschool children in the context play, mental health in early childhood, school-based academic and social interventions, prevention, and self-care. Dr. Kelly-Vance was the president for the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) from 2018-2019 where her theme of Unlock Potential: Prevention is Key included an emphasis on self-care.

Lauren Mangus, Ph.D., LP, NCSP
Dr. Mangus began her career as a School Psychologist in Michigan serving a variety of districts in the Metro-Detroit area for well over a decade. She also has worked as a Clinical Assistant Professor and helped train school psychologists for over a decade as well. Her research and applied interests are: risk and protective factors, MTSS, consultation, self-efficacy and motivation, assessment and intervention, prevention, school climate and belongingness, and self-care. Dr. Mangus currently provides psychotherapy to children, adolescents, and families, as well as consultative services.
If you would like a presentation or discussion on self-care with your professional group, please feel free to contact Lisa (lkellyvance@gmail.com) and/or Lauren (lauren.manguswsu@gmail.com)