Professional Tips & Ideas
Use a schedule--either electronic or tangible.
Make a daily plan. Try to stick to it, but acknowledge that if you don’t, that it is okay.
Take breaks – may need to set an alarm; Use this time to regroup and reorganize
You may not be able to get as much done as you are used to accomplishing during this time of ongoing crisis.
Start and end your work day at a reasonable time – set boundaries for work time and personal time.
Focus each day on one thing you get to do that is enjoyable (this can even be going into a kindergarten classroom-- F2F or virtual!)
Give yourself extra time to do tasks.
Do as much of your normal routine as possible.
Be selective in your activities; Don’t take on too much
Breathe, Pause, Take Brain Breaks
Professional Bucket Fillers:
File of Positives – keep an electronic and/or physical copy of emails, notes, etc.
Build up your colleagues and develop positive relationships
Seek out help & support
Start a self-care team in your building/department
Start a Self-Care Bingo game
Send motivating quotes and words of appreciation to others
Work Space:
Organize your desk/work space (daily or weekly; it helps to schedule this and make it part of your routine). Our surroundings impact us, and vice-versa.
Make sure your lighting is comfortable for you; Add lamps or other lighting supports to help.
Ergonomic considerations: Make sure you have a comfortable chair and desk. Here is a great podcast/weblink for additional information.
Put a favorite quote near your workspace; add some personal and inspirational flair.
Make a sign for your office that lets people know you are unavailable (can be used for F2F or if you are virtual to act as a visual prompt for household members).
Model self-care for others & share information/resources
The Counseling Teacher has a bunch of great resources and visuals for personal reminders, as well as support for school staff. These would be great to post in the staff lounge (or some place that is safe) or use as part of a newsletter/email self-care reminder.